Well, it has begun. My Kickstarter project to help fund the production, printing, and distribution of my novel, Singularity Deferred, has been approved and it’s live! In 29 days from this moment, we shall see if there’s enough interest in the novel to have allowed it to be brought to life! So clap as hard as you can or the fairy dies!
If you have somehow accidentally stumbled upon this post and have no idea what’s going on: check out the novel info here: http://www.tragic-sans.com/stories/singularity-deferred/.
If you’re totally up to speed, like what you see, and want to pledge some bucks, please visit the Kickstarter! But, even more importantly, if you wouldn’t mind spreading the word and giving other people the opportunity to take a look and see if it’s something they’d like to support–I’d really appreciate it!
Did I mention there’s some cool reward incentives? From autographed copies of the book, up to being able to name a ship or character in the novel!
Well, with bated breath, I begin a month of obsessive webpage reloading. 🙂
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