Category: Metablog

Making decisions

Continuing on from my previous post “Thoughts on CthulhuCon PDX, and getting going!,” I’ve been thinking a lot since that massive hit of self- and independent-published writing and game inspiration.

I don’t know how you’re reading this, Dear Visitor, whether it’s soon after its posting on a blog by a lazy writer, or maybe a year from now on the ancillary blog by the head of Tragic Sans Press — but the latter is what I’d always intended this blog to be at its inception. I have wanted very much so to start up my publishing imprint and get it going, but I have been easily distracted. First the move to Portland, then I have for a while been toying with returning to my scholarly pursuits (continuing my research on Philip K. Dick by finishing my comprehensive annotated bibliography and literary analysis, beginning my career as the foremost Steven Brust scholar….)

Sadly, like Nancy Kress, I’m not someone who can operate on little sleep, which cuts down my available time and energy per day even more. And I don’t do coke, so I have a hard time doing more than half a thing half of the time. I’ll be honest, I’m a touch lazy and did I mention easily distracted? So I can’t do it all; I have to make decisions on where to put my time and energy.

As much as I love my scholarship, and I so very much want to publish in peer-reviewed journals, and get a jump start on my eventual PhD, right now the thing that will give me the most satisfaction, the most enjoyment, is to focus on writing fiction and getting Tragic Sans Press going.

Now, exactly what form will Tragic Sans be? Will it focus on putting out a literary journal? If so, what will be the theme? Will it focus on publishing other peoples’ novels and non-fiction full-length works? For pay, even? These are things I’ve been thinking about and need to come to conclusions, soon.

I’ve also been thinking about re-trying to contact the agents that I found a few years ago, and a prominent writer suggested to me, to see about eschewing self-publishing and going traditional. That would be cool… but fun?


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Portland, I’m in you. To stay.

yay oregonI despise “update” blog entries, but I set myself up for that every time I take such huge breaks from blogging. A lot has happened in the last several months, and I owe it to my fans (all those faithful comment-spam bots that lovingly message every day), to update what’s been going on. I’m sure if John Scalzi ever took a break from blogging for a month or 9, he’d update, yeah? Well, I promise I will try to keep this brief and just the highlights….

So, a few months ago my family and I, and a very close couple, jointly decided to sell most everything we own and move from the midwest to Portland, Oregon. How did it go? Well, we’re here, we have a town house (aka glorified 3-floor apartment), my wife has a job she likes (yay!) and I have been fielding a slew of “1st interviews” with promises of 2nd interviews that tend to not come. These are interviews for places doing jobs in the world of Web development — the field that has been earning my family money since 1998. It’s a field that I enjoy, have enjoyed, but I’m desperately sick of. But, it’s the only thing I know how to do that earns a modicum of money, and it’s money that we have to trade for shelter and food and entertainment, so….

In the meantime, I’ve been trying to write as much as I can. Frequenting coffee shops until I find The Comfortable One and writing a chapter or two of the sequel to Singularity Deferred. My goal is to have it completed and edited by the end of 2014. Then, come 2015, I can go gangbusters on marketing and selling parts 1 and 2 and earn a bit of monies from that. (I have hope. I’ve done virtually no marketing and promotion of book 1, and I still get a small royalty “check” from Amazon and Smashwords each month. Well, enough to buy a couple of my iced mochas at least. But that makes me curious what can be done with some real marketing.) By the way, it kills me that I sell copies every month, but get virtually no reviews, good, bad, or otherwise.

Okay, that last couple paragraphs felt like some self-pitying kvetching. So, let’s move along….

Portland! Why? Because of “Portlandia” maybe? Heh, no. I lived a brief time, as a kid, in Washington, and I knew ever since then I would come back. I loved the weather, I loved the mountains, the ocean, the…”vibe” for lack of a less squishy word. And the art and culture and “vibe” I have kept an eye on coming from Portland and Eugene ever since has always been in the back of my mind as a land I must pilgrimage to. The idea of moving to Oregon, Portland even, never formed much more than a fleeting thought, but the seed was planted back in 1980, ready to be watered.

It’s been 4 weeks here, and despite the rough and troubles and bit of chaos in areas of work, family, household, etc…. I know as certainly as I knew after the first week and a half: I’m home.

I grew up in Colorado, mainly, and I will always consider it my foundational home. My place of origin, the place that will always be in my heart. And when my family moved me to Missouri as a teen, I knew despite all the other moves in my youth, that one was going to stick for a while — and I did not like it one bit. Never have. Sure, the Ozarks have some beauty to them. And I’ve met all my current friends, and my wife, and the things and people that are important to me, in Missouri. But I have never, once ever, felt like Missouri was home. It was my place of exile. I’ve only been in Oregon a month, I have experienced a tiny swath of the land and the insane variety of the landscapes and terrain it holds, a tiny sampling of the city and the people and the culture, visited the ocean once and walked among the trees a smidge… and  I know I’m here to stay.

A couple of days ago while visiting a park (that was more like a national forest situated in the middle of a city), my friend and I spoke with a native with adorable dogs, and she has observed, dealing with many people in her career, that Portland seems to draw in a lot of people, but then spit back out a lot of people “who don’t belong.” I don’t know what Portland, or Oregon, feel are the belonging people (wry grin), but I feel I belong. So this place is going to have to spit me out while kicking and screaming.

Some points of interest being here: Red and Black Cafe, will need to visit more often. Powell’s Bookstore, wow! I will be seeing William Gibson there next month! *swoon* Guardian Games, which is huge and fascinating! And loud and annoying. I’m making Rainy Day Games my gaming home. They also have a huge selection of disc golf equipment, which I’ve wanted to get into for some time.


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What I’ve been doing while not blogging; and good novel news

Ugh, I hate having to get meta on the blog. Which usually only happens because I haven’t been on for a great long time. So, why? Some good, some bad–none of it a good excuse.

First of all, there’s my day job. I won’t get into it because I hate talking about my day job (here, at least. It’s a good job, but I hate the fact that I have a day job that’s not writing or the business of writing). Anyway, it’s been killing me lately with this big-ass project that I’m in charge of. Even though it’s not too many more actual hours at work, it’s been more brain-killing lately.

Then there’s the pencil-and-dice role-playing games. Now this is a good one! In the last few months I have been planning and prepping and running several games: A new regular Eclipse Phase campaign, a short-run Spycraft (converted to Savage Worlds rules) campaign, and the return of my 1st edition AD&D campaign. Oh, and a couple of convention games of EP I ran at Visioncon. Writing and prepping RPG games is a lot of hard work, but it’s so very much a labor of love! I adore game mastering RPGs! Given the choice between being a player and GMing, well, I like playing now and then, especially under certain GMs, but I pick GMing over playing by default any ol’ day. I love the world-building, creating plot and stories and characters, and then the facilitation of crating a shared experience where players get to play with these elements and create their own story with the tools I provide. Love it love it love it!

Writing, you say? Have I been doing any of it? Well, not much, I’m afraid. Once the day job project is essentially over in early April, and the Spycraft game is done, I should have more time and brain-power to spare to doing writing. I got well into my next novel before time and energy got away from me, and I need to get chugging on that. Especially since there’s been more call for a sequel to Singularity Deferred.

Speaking of my first novel, I got some good news there. I entered the Amazon Breakthrough Novel competition, and mine has advanced to the second-round judging. If it doesn’t move on from there, I at least get an Amazon review out of it and can claim “third prize” (along with 399 other sf/fantasy novels). So that’s neat. (It doesn’t help the competition any; but, if you would be so kind, maybe buy and/or review the novel on Amazon?) 🙂

Okay, that’s as much of an update as I’m going to do now. I have the gumption I’m going to post, I think, two more posts after this on something not meta. Thanks for reading. 🙂


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30 Day, not so much

sorry 🙁

I’m afraid I’m going to have to renege on that earlier promise to go through a rough draft process using the book First Draft in 30 Days. That is, I’m probably going to continue using the book, but I’m afraid if I try to analyze and review and blog about each step, I’ll be doing more words of that than my actual story! And right now, I can’t afford that. Let me explain:

I was laid off of my day-job last week. Sort of. That is, my job goes away by the end of June, and technically I’m without a main income (and insurance) at that time. But, I can apply at my work for one of the new jobs that are replacing it. I’m hopeful, and I have a good chance–but nothing is certain and I have to just assume that I’m going to be unemployed in 2 months. And even if I’m not, this event is showing me that I have to kick my writing and publishing efforts into full gear if it is to become a viable second income any time in the near future.

What this means is that, while have one collection of short stories out there, and soon an e-book novel (the Kickstarter is apparently not going to meet its goal, which means no print version in the foreseeable future), I need to really start pumping out the books! And then, get the publishing imprint going once I have the product and experience out there to back it up.

So, from here on out, I need to pump out the words hardcore on my next manuscript, and not take the time for long blog posts. Sorry. 🙁 In any case, I’m still too inexperienced of a writer to be showing off my early research and sketch-notes! Perhaps, once this next novel is completed, I can take the creation materials and do a retrospective on how the book worked. We’ll see.

Anyway, since the topic of work and jobs has been broached, I want to share something I found on BoingBoing this evening: a leaked copy of highly successful video game company’s employee manual. Reading that PDF and seeing how well they’ve incorporated a ROWE/anarcho-collective work environment–makes me very jealous! Although, once I can transfer my writing/publishing into my main job, I’ll have my own results-only work environment, and maybe I’ll make up a similarly creative and rewarding employee manual for myself. 🙂


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Podcast update

Sorry for the delay on a new podcast episode; I’ve had a horrible cold all week. I and my voice are better, now, though, so I’m planning on getting a new ep with the continuation of the reading of Singularity Deferred this Sunday evening.

Thanks for your patience!


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  • (related posts tool must not be working on this one)

Awake! And now fidgety.

First, a quick (ha!) meta post, followed by a post about my anticipation and apprehension of the coming “Hunger Games” film.

So, for years now, I’ve come home from work at my day job and have wanted to just melt into the couch. My brains were just too fuzzy and my body too exhausted to do anything constructive. Make dinner for the family, watch mindless TV, and go to bed while wishing I had the energy to work on one of my many projects. (See Update the nth on what they are.) I don’t even blog much because the most I feel like doing is “sharing” links on Facebook. Blogging about the articles when I got home from work was just too much to think about.

Well, finally, my wife pushed me into doing a sleep study. Guess what? Sleep apnea. I got to see my lab charts the other day: During my “normal sleep” I encountered no REMs, my heart rate never went down, and while I don’t remember actually waking up, the doc says my mind was waking up repeatedly each hour. Sheesh! No wonder I constantly felt like pre-Durden Edward Norton in “Fight’s Club” all the time. I could easily see on the charts after the CPAP (forced air mask) was put on, my heart rate radically drop, my brain waves change, and 3 REMs!

It’s taken me some days of making sure my CPAP is fit right and whatnot, but these last few days I’ve had so much more energy! I can finally read again without falling asleep after one paragraph, and in two days I’ve almost completed my Kickstarter project to publish my new novel. And, I feel like blogging. Lucky you, eh? 🙂


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Update the nth


Funny, it’s never occurred to me to post more regularly, like my heroes John Scalzi, Cory Doctorow, Patrick Rothfuss, and Charles Stross, so that I can just do regular posts and not silly, bloated “update” posts. Funny; I should really start considering that. 😛

But anyway, here’s a bloated “update” post:

I just updated this site to remove the option of buying individual short stories (silly idea in the first place) to link to where they can be bought for soopercheep on Smashwords in one collection. As of this writing, only $1.49 for all five stories. However, starting tomorrow (Sunday, March 4), you can take advantage of the Smashwords Ebook Week promotion and get 25% off ($1.12 if my maths is right–and if not, that explains my English degrees….).

Enough hawking. What else is going on? Well, as this wonderful, funny, and very very accurate post, “25 Things I Want to Say to So-Called Aspiring Writers,” so ardently proclaims: a writer writes! I’ve been… not writing as much lately, so much as, doing stuff around the subject of writing. That is, I’ve been editing my novel, and looking for publishers and agents. I’ve got a feeler out for one agent in particular that I would really like to work with and I’m eagerly awaiting his reply. But, if he, like So. Very. Many. agents and editors out there, aren’t taking on any more submissions — I’m pulling the trigger on self-publishing this novel with the help of Kickstarter.

The novel’s been heavily edited, it’s been workshopped, it’s ready to see the light of day. And I’ve been setting up the framework to get it done: pricing marketing materials, proofing services, Lulu versus CreateSpace, and recording the audiobook to put out as a free trial of the book itself. (A tactic heavily recommended by such self-made successful authors like Scott Sigler and JC Hutchins. (At least, I’m pretty sure they advocate it. I mean, they did it when they got started. It could have been another writing hero of mine, Michael A. Stackpole, who is, while also a NY Times bestselling author, a huge self-publishing advocate. And while he furiously reminds authors to never forget the self-marketing, I’m not sure he’d advocate giving something like an audiobook away for completely free. *shrug*)

Anyway, so I’m getting that all ready to go.

I’m also working on an “Inception” role-playing game rules set. It uses Savage Worlds as its basic rules, but then it incorporates a Jenga tower (as inspired by Chad’s “Lucid” RPG). My version is a lot more crunchy than “Lucid,” and I’ll be play testing it next week. When I’m done, of course I’ll put it out for free, considering all the copyrights I’d probably break otherwise.

I’m also working on a new story that’s been flitting around my mind for a while. It’s a tough little thing to write, though. I know how it must start, I know how it must end, and I know some stops in between, but getting the points to connect has been a challenge.

And I’m working on the outline for my next novel: a YA fantasy inspired by my daughter’s imaginings once as we hiked a trail. I’m sure people will want a sequel to the novel I’ve already finished (my test readers sure do!) But this one needs to be written first.

And, finally, I’m working on a “shard,” or adventure for the Fading Suns RPG. It’s essentially writing on spec: one writes a shard, and submits it for potential approval. If they like it, they may send something more my way. I so very much want to write for them, for this world! I fell in love with the Fading Suns setting and story when I discovered the “Emperor of the Fading Suns” computer game, circa 1996, and discovered it came from an RPG. Ever since, I’ve been semi-obsessed! I really want the shard to be my top priority; I desperately want to write for this system. Especially as their new edition comes out later this year! But, alas, I’ve all of the above to try to get put away.

And that’s my writing life right now. Hopefully I can start posting the cool and interesting things that come my way near daily. So, Until next time….



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Be it resolved…

So I was reading back in my oh so many blog posts this year</sarcasm>, and recalled this one: io9 suggested reading list. My best laid plans of reading this year. And I realized, this year was a really, really bad year. Aside from finally jumping through the right hoops to get my English Masters Degree, this year was full of fail.

I have new best laid plans, now, though. For a full accounting, check out my general blog’s entry, CelticBear: Be it resolved…. In it I discuss the drek that was 2010, and what I plan to do about it in regards to writing and readjusting my life in the right direction.

Then, if all goes well, I should have some more blog posts over here more often.

Happy New Year.


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Update – more soon to come

Normally I hate these “nothing to see here” posts. But, it’s been a year since my last post (been busy posting over at my main personal/political/religious/stuff-you-can’t-talk-around-family-or-mixed-company-without-making-people-uncomfortable blog over at and even moreso on my Facebook account) and I thought I should check in.

I have a lot of news to announce here soon, and I’d like to do it all at one time. So, keep your eyes open….

Oh, by the way, since moving some stuff around, the font on some of the earlier articles on this blog got rather messed up. I noticed. I’ll be cleaning those up soon. Thanks. 🙂


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