Category: Podcast-Meta

Quick Kickstarter update

Kickstarter logo owned by kickstarter.comWell, the Kickstarter project to publish my novel, Singularity Deferred, is nearly over, but it’s far from successful. Despite the contribution of some very generous people, it doesn’t look like it’s going to reach the goal. The various places I planned on promoting the project hadn’t turned out quite the way I’d hoped. For example, just as I sent my promotional material to Dragon Page: Cover to Cover, they decided to stop putting out episodes.

However, I have one last hope: a favorite author of mine, John Scalzi, is actually allowing people to promote their Kickstarter in a special thread every Wednesday! I’ve set up an alarm to remind myself to post there promptly the next two weeks before the Kickstarter ends.

Some significant changes coming in my day job very shortly. We’ll see how that affects my writin’ n’ publishin’ work shortly.

And finally, in update news, my cold’s just about subdued enough to be a non-issue. I plan on recording chapter 6 tomorrow evening. Then, look for the official beginning of the novel draft exercise I mentioned last week.



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Podcast update

Sorry for the delay on a new podcast episode; I’ve had a horrible cold all week. I and my voice are better, now, though, so I’m planning on getting a new ep with the continuation of the reading of Singularity Deferred this Sunday evening.

Thanks for your patience!


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  • (related posts tool must not be working on this one)

Podcast 003: Singularity Deferred, chapter 1

In this episode, we begin reading my debut novel, SINGULARITY DEFERRED.

We’ll read only about the first 10 out of 30 chapters, one per episode, before moving on to other more diverse topics and guests. This will serve as a sample of the novel before you might buy it, or if it’s still going on, contribute to the Kickstarter to help fund its publication and distribution.

The complete audiobook will be published for free on Podiobooks, probably coinciding with the end of the Kickstarter and the beginning of the hardcopy publishing.

For more information on this novel, now and in the future, including a text/ebook sample, see the page:

Thanks for checking it out — hope you enjoy!


(Theme music:

“Cybernetic -Feat Zefora” (Stizreth) / CC BY 3.0

Intro music: “Oxygen Garden” by Chris Zabriskie
CC: Share, Non-Commercial, Attribute


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Podcast 001: A Price in Every Box

The first episode of the Tragic Sans Press podcast. The entire theme and point and plan for the podcast will be explained at greater length in a regular blog post, and it’s discussed in the podcast itself.

The first several episodes will be readings of my stories, eventually focusing on the novel, SINGULARITY DEFERRED — provided as a sample for those who might want to buy it, or at this point, contribute to the Kickstarter. ( at this moment it’s not live, so you will need to search the Kickstarter site for it, or see a recent blog post on

Eventually, the podcast will feature other authors and their works, with guest hosts, and move to focus on the critical theory discussions of scifi, fantasy, and genre fiction.

This first episode features the story, “A Price in Every Box,” which is available in the book: FIRST HAND OF THE NIGHT: A COLLECTION OF FIVE EARLY STORIES. (

Hope you enjoy!

(Theme music:

“Cybernetic -Feat Zefora” (Stizreth) / CC BY 3.0

Intro music:

“Divider” by Chris Zabriskie

Podcast feed:



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